Sunday, March 15, 2009

Nay; The Tale

In Nay; An Intro, I wrote that I had a good day. "Actually; nay. It was a great day." This is the tale of that very day, but first it requires some explanation.

In Theatre, in place of midterm written exams, we get interviews with any of our teachers (within the program) that request it. For Carol (Movement/Creation) and Rob (Acting), this happens without question (Terry being the only exception currently, but I know he'll do it for end of semester). Within these interviews, we're told where our strengths lie, what our weaknesses seem to be, and whether or not we need to be concerned about our performance in class.

And now, the Tale itself.

Fridays, for me at school, normally go like this: Theatre Creation class, Voice class, then Acting class. This particular friday, however, was different. Carol was still doing interviews, so in place of Creation class, we had the open studio; we could work on anything we liked, as long as it was Theatre related. I got to work with Katherine, who's my scene partner for an upcoming "Scene Study" in Acting class. We got a lot of progress, which made the beginning of this day excellent.

In Voice class, we're doing work with poetry. I had brought in my poem, and was ready to read. While I didn't get to read it, I did have a blast in this class none the less; as a warm up, we danced and sung and opened up our bodies and voices. And then we all sat down with Terry, as we always did, and we talked. We just talked. This voice class not only lived up to the excellent start of the day, but it helped make it all that much better.

Acting class was cancelled, but because Rob was doing his interviews. I had an hour and a quarter to kill before my interview. I was nervous, and anxious, and worried. But at the same time, I was confident. Partially because of how good my day was so far, and partially because I knew I was improving since last semester.

But before my interview, with the time to kill, I spent forty-five minutes with my classmate Gillian. We were listening to our iPods, trying to come up with a list of potential songs for an upcoming "Movement Piece" project. It was really nice, because it was relaxing, and extremely stress-free in the sense that "this is a project that isn't due for at least another three or four weeks and we're already working hard on it so i won't have to worry about it later."

Now the interview with Rob itself. The big number.

It could not have gone better in my mind. We just talked. Some personal, "what's going on at home" stuff, my work over the semester so far and upcoming projects. I had improved since last semester, and said improvement will continue with all the stuff coming up that I'm getting a good head start on!

After the interview, I was obligation and class free for the rest of the day. I stayed at school for a while, hanging out with some people I see everyday (and love seeing), and some people I don't often see. Even taught some kids how to stop time (yes, that's right, "stop time").

So this was Nay; The Tale. It was the best day I had in a long time. And now, if there is ever a day where I question my theatrical abilities or my place at school, I can just think about Fri. March 13th 2009. And when I think about it, I'll remember how great things can be.

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