Wednesday, December 31, 2008


This is it. The morning of the last day of this particular year. Nothing all that special about this specific morning, apart from the fact that it's on the day where, at night, everyone drinks and embarrasses themselves. As they bid farewell to the past year, and welcome in the new year. Blah blah blah. Yadda yadda. "NINJA PUNCH!" Not a whole lot to it.

It's not even 9am, and I've been up for a little while. Got plans for tonight with el best friend, which should be fun. Not exactly sure what said plans are, but it involves friends and celebrations of some kind, so they must be fun and exciting in some way, shape, or form. Right?

No, I don't have resolutions picked out already. I've got a couple things in mind, but I don't really see them as New Year's Resolutions. Why wait for the year to end to make resolutions to improve myself as a person? Anyway, my non-resolution-thingys involve finding a steady job, focusing more in school (if I can sort out the whole probation thing), working on making myself better and healthier (bit of a story there), improving my singing voice, learning an instrument, continuing my writing... a bunch of things*. Some big, some small, some important, some not.

*One of these things is "get superpowers if possible." A practical one too, if I get to choose.

I don't know what to do today though. Tonight is where the party and the life is at, but what about during the day? The sun is up, the air is chilled and brisk; a typical winter morning in Montreal. Worst part is; I'm bored. And it's not like it's the afternoon so I only have a couple hours to kill; I have the whole day ahead of me. Oof. Maybe I'll just read Neil Gaiman's "Eternals." That's a good way to kill some time; comic books. Fuck'n right.

1 comment:

CatOnAHotTinRoof said...

Yeah, it's hard to keep your resolutions. You gotta write them down and post them on your wall. That's how it's done. I wrote up a paper with my resolutions and how long I've gone without breaking them... just seeing that paper pretty much kicks you in the face and gets your ass going.