Friday, December 12, 2008


Okay. School. It's done. No more assignments, tests, exams (hah, as if I had any), ceramic arts, or interviews. All I have to do now is wait patiently for the rest of my marks to come in. But as it would seem, good tidings are with me. I had my two interviews yesterday; one with Carol (for Moment and Theatre Creation) and one with Rob (for Acting). In that order.

With Carol, the interview couldn't be better. Apparently for this past semester, I was a star pupil save for an absence here or there. She told me that I seemed to work well with the class, that I was a really good example of a good in-class work ethic, that I was fantastic helping others with things that they found difficult, and a little bit more stuff too. All good. It was definitely a real confidence booster, if you ask me. Which was good since it was right before Rob's interview.

Don't get me wrong, Rob's interview went well, just nowhere near as well as Carol's. He's giving me a chance to show him that I am an actor. While I did improve over the second half of the semester (as he told me), like many others I still need work. And my insomnia made things difficult from time to time, in class, as I would start to doze off (rarely, but often enough to be a worry) after not getting sleep the previous night. So he and I have a deal now, which we call "Tough Love." If I start to doze off at all, I will be asked to leave the class and be marked as absent.

Normally such a thing would worry an insomniac such as myself. But I'm actually not worried. In fact, I doubt there will ever be a time like that. My determination is top notch. I already have a song selected for next semester's Acting class, and I'm already looking into monologue options and scene possibilities. This last semester was about getting back into the game; this upcoming semester is going to be about playing the game as best as I can.

For my other classes, I just need to wait for my marks to come in. But I've passed my Phys. Ed. class, I know that as a fact. As well as English; my written assignments were more than good, and everyone loved my play when it was performed. I even have a Scene Study picked for next semester, and hopefully I can do Splash Page as well. And if I can, then the two biggest assignments for that class are already finished. The only eyebrow raiser now is my Humanities class. I'm still waiting for the mark of my final paper, and that mark will make the difference between pass and fail. But I'm confident. My paper rocked, I know this. I just need the confirmation, you know?

So now I'm officially on winter break. Six weeks of freedom (be jealous, all my university-going friends!). I'm not working, except for the occasional karaoke night at the Phoenix. Although I might be bartending a special event at a club downtown sometime this month. If that comes through, that'll be several hundred dollars in one night, which I think I could use as my Holiday Funds. Combined with christmas money, I'll be able to do everything I want to do this break and so much more.

Things are good. There's always room for improvement, but I'm happy, and that's what matters, no?

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