Sunday, February 8, 2009


Somehow, this week has been mostly good on me for sleep. I've somehow managed to get to bed before 11pm several nights this week, meaning I actually managed to get a decent amount of sleep each of these nights, meaning I was relatively well rested for school. Amazing? Yes. How did the insomniac do it? I've no fucking clue.

Tomorrow should kick some ass though. If I recall correctly, we have a special guy coming into combat class tomorrow morning. And if my recollections are at all accurate and the guy actually is coming in, that means doing some awesome new things. Hopefully some work with weapons. I'm down for learning how to kick ass and take names with a bo staff. Donatello was one of my favorite Ninja Turtles, after all.

Then after combat, it's voice class, and then after voice, I got my hefty hour-and-a-half break, followed by an hour long meeting. I think I might either spend the break with friends, or in the school's gym. It wouldn't hurt to work out some, eh? Get this boy a little more built. Maybe get a little more good-looking. Or something to give myself a little bit of a self-esteem/self-confidence.

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