Thursday, May 14, 2009


Everything changes. The natural course of life involves such change, no? Now, I don't know much about everything, but I can tell you that a lot has changed in the course of my life in the recent times. Some changes are big, others are small, and some are just... are just changes, I suppose.

I'm nineteen now. My birthday came and passed. Not a whole lot of people remembered, but hey, I'm not complaining. Heck, I wasn't expecting anyone to remember. And no, this isn't me saying "oof, no one's going to remember, this sucks," this is me saying "hey, it's nice if you remembered, but it's not a big deal if you don't!" I didn't expect nineteen to feel any different than eighteen, but somehow, I feel something's different. I don't know what (sorry), but there's something there.

Theatre... I have decided to switch out of the theatre program. A decision that did not come lightly. It's the one thing I had been gearing my life towards for the last seven or eight years. But doing it in college, in school, has started to lose it's thrill. And I feel that if I did continue it, it'd lose it's thrill entirely. And I don't want that to happen. So I applied for a change of program... into Media Arts. Primarily for Film Production and Photography. These things have always been of some interest to me, and so I thought I'd go for it! I'm super excited to try my hand at these things, and learn more about it. As for theatre and such things; I can continue to pursue that on my own, outside of school.

I am no longer unemployed. I bartend now, actually. At Le Bisou, the restaurant/bar that belongs to my sister's boyfriend. Downtown too, in the Plateau of all places (this area tends to get quite busy as the weather warms up). I've done a handful of nights so far, and have made some pretty decent money too. I love the job. The second I got behind the bar, I felt as if everything that followed was natural instinct/ability. The mixing of drinks, making up recipes, interacting with my coworkers and customers... it's a lot of fun. Or I find it is, anyway.

School's over now, and summer vacation is in full swing. I plan on working as much as I can, saving up, and enjoying the time off to the best of my ability. Not let things get me down, y'know? Y'know. And that starts tonight, with a trip to The Pound (which I haven't been to in ages, heh.)

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