Saturday, November 29, 2008

Two Parties

The worst of it...

...has passed, I think. Hopefully, and (I can rightfully say this) finally. For school stuff, I mean. There's only one full week of school left, which is right after this weekend. And then two additional days of classes, but those are really nothing. And with all papers and assignments behind me, all I need to worry about for school is performance related stuff. Which is my ballgame, if you catch my drift.

I'm back at the Phoenix tonight, but probably just for tonight until Zak, my regular co-host for karaoke, finds himself a source of income. While his job at the Couche-Tard was compromised due to it undergoing renovations, I've let him take over the post at the Phoenix, yeah? Well I asked him if I could host for tonight. For two reasons; Norm and Heidi.

Norm is one of my best and oldest friends. When I started Scouts when I was twelve, he was one of the leaders (being nineteen at the time). He was a big influence in my life during my younger years. Well he turned twenty-five this week, and it's his birthday celebration tonight. Dinner then Phoenix.

Heidi is one of my newer friends. She (and the rest of the Cagrain Kids) is someone I met this semester at school, and someone I sort of see everyday (same with everyone else). Well it's her eighteenth birthday tonight and she's decided to come out to the Phoenix for her birthday celebration tonight. So that's two groups of my closest friends (in the city, anyway) coming out to the Phoenix tonight. It's going to be a lot of fun!

And now, some news on a loss. Wally, my trusted iPod Video (5th gen, I think)(and yes, I do name my electronics) was lost last week when I went out with friends. He was old, beaten, and even broken, but he still worked hard and offered me entertainment on trips. Be it to school, or to the capital, he was a pivital part of my daily routines. So rest in peace Wally, wherever you may be.

But fear not; there's a new addition to the family; Artemis. A brand spankin' new iPod Nano(-chromatic), and she's yellow (but like thunderbolt yellow). If I shake her, she'll shuffle and skip to the next song. If I rotate her, I'll see the album art (which I need to download some of). And I realize that this paragraph is sort of full of rather suggestive lines, but hey, get your mind out of the gutter!

With school behind me (practically, at least), and a long winter break ahead of me (along with a good night in my face), I can relax. And have fun. This winter, hopefully, I'll be going places. Probably Ottawa to see friends, Toronto to see friends and family, and maybe someplace new too, if I can afford it/find the time!

So this is life. And it's looking up.

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