Saturday, November 15, 2008

What A Twist!

As we reach the halfway point of November, I realize that it's been a freaking long time since I had a good and proper post. I need to bring you up to speed. But because I already have so much momentum, there's a lot of space you need to catch up on. The bowtie was only the beginning.

So my uber bad streak came to an end. Took some effort, and not just on my part, but there hasn't been bad things in a while. A little while, granted, but even so. The fact is that it's ended, and that I've started to recover.

The superhero plays are still canceled, but I quickly shimmied together a new piece, which is titled David Kovalev. The story of a family that has twelve children, all who are named David (yes, even the girls). When I wrote it, I knew I had very little time to write it in (as it was to replace Splash Page and Cover Art), and that I had to write it for fourteen people. When I had the finished product in front of me, I wasn't too happy with the results. But when I brought in the script and we did a read-through with the cast, it came together. It came together and worked in every way that I could have hoped. Even with the confusion of who was playing which David (and subsequently whose lines were whose), we had fun with the reading. I'm looking forward to our tech/dress rehearsal next week, when we get an even better feel for it.

I've made up with one of the friends I was having troubles with. Paws. He wasn't one of the ex friends who was saying slanderous remarks about me. He's my best friend, and has been for years. But a couple weekends ago, we fought. Physically. I didn't know why, it just happened. But we've made up, and we've both apologized to one another for the damage we caused. Heck, we even joked/commented about how I managed to land a good blow or two (which doesn't happen often unless it's stage combat). But I'm really glad that we've made up. It helps a lot. We're not exactly what we were before, but we're talking again and trying to arrange to hang out sometime.

School... I think I've managed to turn it around completely. I have a shot at this, and I'm working really hard to make sure I don't miss. So hard that I dedicated this evening to writing a paper that I only need half the rough draft for for monday. So hard that tomorrow I'm doing nothing but working on a scene for acting class, and sunday I'm in the ceramic arts studio to catch up. And with the new play, I think I've covered all of my bases. Now I just need to succeed with all this hard work.

Work. Still nothing there. But I'm always looking, and always applying. A friend of mine who is a DJ is going to try to help me with some clubs and bars downtown, since I have my certificate and all. I'd love to have a job to start saving up money. For what, you might ask. Well, like any other teenager/young adult, I'm thinking about moving out of the home. To where? That depends on school goes. I could just be moving into an apartment with friends and/or classmates, or I could be leaving the city entirely.

I got into a singing show that I auditioned for a couple weeks ago. No, it's not the broadway choir that my friend Adam's in (I'm still going to try for that though). It's something a lot smaller, and done somewhat less professionally, but it has the same concept; a bunch of songs from a bunch of musicals, and we sing. I'm part of the ensemble for all the pieces that aren't solos, but I also have a couple solos myself (including Schroeder in "My New Philosophy" from You're A Good Man Charlie Brown and the speaking solo in "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life" (Monty Python folks)). Rehearsals are on sunday evenings, and we've had one so far. My second one isn't this weekend though, because I get this weekend off... rehearsal wise.

That should cover most things. I know I didn't touch base on everything, but I did that somewhat intentionally. There are a couple things I'd rather not address here just yet. Nothing against you, it's just me, y'know?

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