Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wednesdays Off

Somehow, I managed my school schedule to have Wednesdays off. A lot of people wondered why on earth I would want that day off instead of Fridays (thus extending my weekend). Well, the reason is: I didn't. Pre-Registration folks in the registrar's office managed to give me the Wednesdays off in the first place. I had nothing to do with that. But when I found out, it made sense to me. Because now my "days at school" vs. "days off of school" go in this order:

Two days off (weekend), two days of school (Monday and Tuesday), one day off (Wednesday), two days of school (Thursday and Friday), and then back to two days off (weekend).

Which is nice altogether. But on this particular Wednesday, of the first week of school, it came in handy.

Yesterday I had an allergy test. A simple skin test, where they put a drop of a thing (whatever they test you for), and then they give you a tiny scratch where the drop is. Then we wait and see if there's a reaction. Well I had this test yesterday, for all types of foods and food-related-things. Guess what! I didn't really react to anything. At least on skin wise. But my muscles started screaming at me, so much that it hurt just to move in certain ways. I started sneezing at first, and then those turned into coughing. Nose got snuffly, and I got a temperature. I was hot, but I felt as if I was freezing. It was one of those temperature things where you feel freezing even with three blankets, but with a fourth blanket you feel way too hot, and you can't find a happy median at all. I personally think that this is somehow allergy related, but the doctors were all like "No, no, it shouldn't affect anything but your skin."

Anyway, I ended up not going to any of my classes yesterday because of it, and I'm still not feeling well today. So at least I only missed one day of school for it, eh? I suppose the funny part is that I'll find out if all of this is allergy related or not, as next wednesday I have another appointment with the allergy folk.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

School's No Longer Out (and it wasn't even summer)

Day one of school was a success. Got to see my classmates, and I hadn't seen most of them over the six weeks of break. Had only two classes; Movement and Voice. Finished classes at 11.30am, and stuck around to hang out with friends. It all went well. Good classes, good fun. Now to make everyday as good as this day. I hope all my other classes are just as good.

I noticed something today; while I was at school, I had the feeling that there were significantly more beautiful people this semester than last. More as in how many, just to clarify. I don't really know why, but maybe it was...
- Just everyone dressing up for the first day of school, or;
- Because everyone was smiling and happy to see everyone else again, or;
- There really are a lot more beautiful people at Abbott now. But I don't know.

But seriously, a lot of beautiful people. And I wasn't the only one who noticed either.

My friends... seeing everyone today, friends and classmates alike, made a six week break feel like a long weekend. I literally asked one of my classmates "How was your weekend?" instead of "How were your holidays?", slipping immediately back into that Monday morning routine. But that's a good thing. Even if we haven't seen one another in over a month, it means that we're picking up right where we left off. And I have two words to say to that.

Sweet deal.

More details on school related things later!

Update (the next morning): Wow. All of my muscles are screaming at me. It hurts to even just move. I think it was the "welcome back" warm-up/work-out Carol put us (theatre kids) through yesterday in our first class. But seriously, major ouchies.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


So this cat isn't mine. But I met him the day my friend "adopted" him. Originally his name was "Baby" (no idea why), but we got to rename him. I came up with Ash, and it stuck. Because he's gray. Eight months old. Really cute. So I consider Ash half my cat, hehe.

But the reason I put "adopted" in quotation marks is because we only have him for a month. My friend does this thing, once in a while, where she'll take a sick cat from the SPCA and help nurse it to health over the span of a month, and then return it to the SPCA, no matter how attached we grow to said cat (Ash, in this case).

I don't have any photos of Ash yet, but I'll try to remember to bring my camera next time I'm over at the apartment where he's living.

School starts tomorrow. I'm actually looking forward to it. I have been for a while, actually.

Monday, January 12, 2009


This feels a little strange, to be honest. I look around me and I know that the world's the same. It's still rotating and revolving around our star. Time ticks on. I could continue with this near-poetic type of narrative, but it'd just be my way of distracting from what this is really about.

Yesterday, a man named Rolf Smart passed away. He hadn't been doing well for a while, and was in the hospital. He wasn't in pain, or suffering, but it still happened. A terrible loss for a number of people, myself included. This man was my grandfather. My mother's father. The man who's name is my middle name.

When my parents divorced when I was six, my mother took me and my sister to live with her (my mother's) parents. We lived there for little more than six years. Every morning before school, I had an apple and some cheese, which my grandfather had set out for me. He helped me with my (former) love of trains, with pictures and an electric train-set in the basement. He showed me how to build things with the workshop he had in the basement, like a little wooden boat which was a bath toy. He taught me how to tie a necktie, and even gave me a few of his, which I still have and wear to this day.

In the past few years we weren't as close as we used to be. Since Mum got a place of her own, he and I didn't see one another as often, and we didn't speak as often either. But he was still that man, who taught me so many things, big and small, who left me so many things. Even on a genetic level; he's one of the reasons I'm as tall as I am, heh.

I really am not that good at this type of thing. But I miss him. I saw him on Friday night, just little more than a day before we lost him. I thought then that it was hard to think of words to say, but that moment seems to be in the shadow of this one.

In other news: still waiting for my mark to be changed, and school starts in a week. I'm also (apparently) no longer in the cabaret I was a part of; I missed yesterday's rehearsal because of what happened, and apparently an announcement was made at the end of the rehearsal saying that I was no longer part of it. I wonder what will happen next...

Currently: browsing the net, and listening to the album of this lovely little musical which I always enjoy, called "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change." I'd read comics, but I don't have any that are new to me, and I don't feel like reading my old ones.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Twiddle Your Thumbs

Good morning two-thousand-nine! It's about freakin' time you got here. In the famous words of my best friend; "Fuck 2008, she was a bitch anyway!" (Well, not really. A lot of things happened in oh-eight that I'll never forget and cherish for a long time, but it certainly was a hell of a send off... here, I'll just tell you the story.)

New Year's Eve was a mix of good and bad. The good being I met tons of fantastic new people, enjoyed partying with my oldest and best friends (and by partying I mean two parties), drank enough that I shouldn't remember the night but still do and can still smile about it! The bad was that I got punched, twice, at the first party. But it was just this huge issue of miscommunication, and I was the better man by walking away and not hitting back. Oh, and the one night of partying turned into not-getting-home-until-several-days-later, but it wasn't a binge or anything like that. Just chilling with friends, new and old, and enjoying life with junk food, movies, mini-embarrassing-dance-parties, and singing solos and duets along with youtube videos. Oh, and waking up a sleeping elephant seal. And that last one might possibly be one of the most entertaining things, regardless of you being sober or not.

The story with the quote is that Paws wrote across the knuckles of our entire group F-U-C-K 2-0-0-8, and on a few of our arms the quote itself. Before the countdown, we all went around to different people, telling them to call it out when we officially hit 2009. Didn't expect many people to do it, but when it happened, at least half the party yelled it out so loudly that we were easily heard over the band that was playing. Sick, no?

That just about sums that up. I might do a more detailed report of the ushering in of 2009 when I'm at home with my keyboard. We'll see.

So now I play the waiting game. Remember the whole probation deal? Well, I reached the teacher and the school, was given a test that if I get four out of fifteen right, I pass the course. I aimed to get all fifteen things right, personally. So that was done and handed in yesterday (emailed in, more accurately), and now I just have to wait for that mark to change, and then I am home-free concerning school. But, now that that work is behind me, I realized something:

A lot of my program classmates knew about my situation, and no one cared/cares to see how it all faired. Well, not true, one person actually asked me how I was feeling and it came up and she expressed hope and confidence that I'd make it. I suppose the punch line of this joke is that it wasn't any of the people I hoped/expected it to be. It does lead to another interesting thought, however:

What will everyone's faces look like when they see me there again? Classmates, former and current, those who dislike me and do like me, and everyone else. No matter what, though, I'll walk in with a smile, regardless of whether or not everyone else is smiling. Haha!

I get the feeling that this year might hold a lot of potential. Or at least as much potential as I put into it and myself. Woot woot.