Sunday, January 18, 2009


So this cat isn't mine. But I met him the day my friend "adopted" him. Originally his name was "Baby" (no idea why), but we got to rename him. I came up with Ash, and it stuck. Because he's gray. Eight months old. Really cute. So I consider Ash half my cat, hehe.

But the reason I put "adopted" in quotation marks is because we only have him for a month. My friend does this thing, once in a while, where she'll take a sick cat from the SPCA and help nurse it to health over the span of a month, and then return it to the SPCA, no matter how attached we grow to said cat (Ash, in this case).

I don't have any photos of Ash yet, but I'll try to remember to bring my camera next time I'm over at the apartment where he's living.

School starts tomorrow. I'm actually looking forward to it. I have been for a while, actually.

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