Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wednesdays Off

Somehow, I managed my school schedule to have Wednesdays off. A lot of people wondered why on earth I would want that day off instead of Fridays (thus extending my weekend). Well, the reason is: I didn't. Pre-Registration folks in the registrar's office managed to give me the Wednesdays off in the first place. I had nothing to do with that. But when I found out, it made sense to me. Because now my "days at school" vs. "days off of school" go in this order:

Two days off (weekend), two days of school (Monday and Tuesday), one day off (Wednesday), two days of school (Thursday and Friday), and then back to two days off (weekend).

Which is nice altogether. But on this particular Wednesday, of the first week of school, it came in handy.

Yesterday I had an allergy test. A simple skin test, where they put a drop of a thing (whatever they test you for), and then they give you a tiny scratch where the drop is. Then we wait and see if there's a reaction. Well I had this test yesterday, for all types of foods and food-related-things. Guess what! I didn't really react to anything. At least on skin wise. But my muscles started screaming at me, so much that it hurt just to move in certain ways. I started sneezing at first, and then those turned into coughing. Nose got snuffly, and I got a temperature. I was hot, but I felt as if I was freezing. It was one of those temperature things where you feel freezing even with three blankets, but with a fourth blanket you feel way too hot, and you can't find a happy median at all. I personally think that this is somehow allergy related, but the doctors were all like "No, no, it shouldn't affect anything but your skin."

Anyway, I ended up not going to any of my classes yesterday because of it, and I'm still not feeling well today. So at least I only missed one day of school for it, eh? I suppose the funny part is that I'll find out if all of this is allergy related or not, as next wednesday I have another appointment with the allergy folk.


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