Tuesday, May 27, 2008


So I'm back from my trip. I was in Ottawa.

In short? It was a good time.

In not so short? Well...

Friday night I went to this party with the girl I was staying with. I half expected it to be one of those "don't know anyone, so not having the best of times" kind of parties. I was wrong. Oh, I was so
wrong. I made friends with nearly everyone there. Got to put my mixing skills to test too. I came up with a bunch of new recipes with someone I met at the party. I used to try to come up with recipes for drinks a couple years back. I made some good ones, so it was fun to get back into it.

Saturday I went to go see the new Indiana Jones movie. I'm not going to say anything about it for those who haven't seen it, but I enjoyed it.

Sunday I spent the afternoon with my friend. It was good. A lot of walking though, and a lot of time out in the sun. I think I got heat stroke, as I didn't feel well. Didn't eat supper, and had a good three hour nap. Which was nice. But then I didn't sleep any that night. Literally. I was up all night long.

Monday... skipped school. I'm out of school though, so it was my friend skipping. Enough said.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to writing my books.

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