Saturday, May 31, 2008

"Like... is any of this for real... or not?"

Apparently, I'm not a real blogger.

I know a handful of people who blog regularly. One of them is The Girl In The Capital (we'll call her GC from here on out). I check her blog on a daily basis, even though she only updates it once or twice a week. And no, the dates aren't predetermined. In fact, GC's blog is the only one I frequently check for new posts. Any other blogs I peruse, I check them maybe once a month and then catch up on the new ones.

You might think that I'm weird, but not really. I like The Girl In The Capital.

Anyway, she wrote a post about a boy she's been seeing for little more than the past month. GC goes on to talk about how she met the "Cute Writer" and how they've spent several weekends together. It was a formal introduction of the boy to her readers little more than a month after their "first date." But when I read this post, I noticed something.

There was no mention of actually dating the boy. GC wrote, and I quote, "The Cute Writer and I have been kissing on a regular basis for about a month now." So I asked her about it, and she told me it was a blogger's euphemism for dating. "Kissing on a regular basis" = "Dating," apparently. I did not know that.

So as a joke, when GC told me that it was a blogger's euphemism, I said "So I guess I'm not a real blogger then." And then I was told that I needed to have a blog to be a blogger. GC doesn't know I have this one, yet. And I also apparently broke a fundamental rule of blogging? It was explained to me by GC and a mutual friend of mine and GC's (that lives in the capital too) that on a blog, you need to mention a person twice before you can formally introduce them.

Oops, sorry The Girl In The Capital, I guess I broke that rule. Forgive me?

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