Friday, October 24, 2008

What The Immediate Future May Or May Not (But Probably Will) Hold

Tomorrow seems to be promising. While I totally skipped school today (missing two classes, a club thing, and a meeting), I can make up for it tomorrow by, well, going to school. It's the JAC open-house tomorrow and I volunteered to help with an open Combat class. Combat is one of my best Movement/Theatre classes, and we're just going to be doing reviews of everything we've already learnt, so I know that I'm going to be kicking butt (well, not really, but it will look like I'm kicking butt from an audience member's perspective).

So there's that. There's also the Get-Together. Originally, two of my classmates had this awesome idea for everyone to hang out on Saturday (aka tomorrow) before we all had to go downtown to see a play for our Theatre History class. And originally, we were going to have it at Michelle's house. Well, now it's going to be at my house. I leave the Open House early to get home, and people can start showing up at 3.30pm. From then until we leave for the play, we chill at my place and put in a movie and bar-be-que some food. All of my classmates. All thirty (or something like that) of them, if they all come. Should be promising.

After the "Chilling at Home with all of my Classmates," we make our way downtown to see this play called Life Is A Dream. What is it about, you might ask. I don't know. Where are you seeing it, you might ask. I'm not sure. Will it be any good, you might ask. More than likely, because theatre rocks like that.

Now after Life Is A Dream, all the theatre students are downtown on a Saturday night. Use your head and realize that we're not about to all just go home and call it a night. I'm sure at least a few of us will want to go out, myself included (since I'm missing karaoke dj-ing at the Phoenix for this), so we'll figure out some kind of party, no?

So that's what's happening tomorrow. Hallowe'en's in a week, except instead of a one night thing like it usually is, it's going to be at least a two or three night thing for me. Different parties and events and balls and such, you know? Oh, and before I forget; Splash Page, my superhero play, has been cast. I just need extras and to cast Cover Art, but the fact that I have all the main parts for the first play cast is just fantastic. I'm really pleased with the actors I have too. Now I just need to ask Steve if he'd be interested in helping choreograph the fight scenes...

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