Friday, October 3, 2008

Holy kleenex Batman! We blew it!

Oof, it's been a while. Not a month, but this is my first post in at least two weeks I think. Probably. Something silly like that. And let me tell you; it's been some busy times. Let's see if I can recall it all...

The radio show I mentioned in my last post rocked out pretty well. I got the whole booth to myself, so I was able to unwind while playing my tunes, and everyone in a CSKY zone got to hear my choice of songs and my words. While I know that not a whole lot of people actually pay attention at all, it's still nice to know that people are hearing it (even if they aren't listening). I've got a show tomorrow (today, technically), which will be really good because my friend Jenn and this girl I met on Wednesday named Janelle are both joining me for the show. Jenn might even become my regular (or semi-regular) co-host, depending on how scheduling goes for her.

I did indeed go to Ottawa, as I said I wanted to. It was this past weekend. Tegan's birthday. Got to see Tegan (uhm, duh?), Tony, and Suzie. Which was really nice. Not to mention it was really really nice to get out of Montreal for a couple days. Like, this city is fine, but once in a while you just need to get away, right? Well, Ottawa's the place to get away to. There, I feel like I have no problems or troubles. I can relax properly. I can enjoy myself. I think I'll always love it there. And if I end up being a teacher (which is one of my back-up plans for career choices), I think I'd like to teach there. Or at John Abbott. I don't know. If I get there, we'll see.

School's going well. Insomnia's making things difficult when it comes to Humanities class though, since I nod out once in a while. I'm going to talk to my counsellar at school about what I can do about that. I'm also going to talk to the teacher, to see if we can sort anything out. It sucks, yeah, but I want to be a responsible student. And I can't afford to fail any classes. But of all my classes, that's the only one I'm worried about. Everything else is going well. And I'm getting a hell of a work out with most of my theatre courses and my gym class. I'm in better shape than I've been in a long time. I feel stronger, and I am stronger. And you know what? It shows. Even Rob, my acting teacher, has noticed.

On the subject of Rob, I had the best Acting class today (well, on Thursday). For vocal warm-up, we do regular voice-warm-up-exercises, but we also sing some. Tender Shepards, Hallelujah, and Will I (from Rent). Sometimes for Will I, Rob will single out a couple people at a time or even just one person at a time. The lyrics are simple; "Will I lose my dignity? Will someone care? Will I wake tomorrow from this nightmare." Well, I was singled out in class today, and let me tell you this; I was at the top of my singing game. Got the notes spot on, and even held "nightmare" on a single breath.

I'm online this late because I only got in a little while ago. I went out to karaoke downtown with some friends; Paws, Kenevin, Lauren, and Adam. Adam's friend Laurence came too. We were having a good time, but after a couple drinks and some bitter truths, shit kinda hit the fan. Nothing that'll cause earth-shattering-results though... I hope. I'll make some calls tomorrow and sort everything out. Everything should be okay.

I'm still on the single scene. Well, actually, I don't know. It's up in the air. I've met this girl that I really really like. I'm 100% positive she knows. Nothing's set in stone or anything, but we are talking quite a bit and want to hang out more often. I'm hopeful, but I'm not letting my hopes get too high. More to come... as soon as there's more to report, I guess.

Oof. Class in three hours and fourteen minutes. And counting.

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