Sunday, June 1, 2008

My Kryptonite

Nuts to me are like kryptonite to Superman. They're both green (or at least a jar of peanut butter is (yeah I'm allergic to that too)), they're both deadly to us, and if we're around a certain amount in the immediate vicinity, we'll get weak in the knees. If I ingest any nut of any kind, well, let's just say bad things happen.

Speaking of kryptonite, let me talk to you about this amazing girl. Kryptonite may be deadly to Superman, but this girl is able to make me feel weak in the knees and have butterflies in the stomach because she is simply that amazing.

I've mentioned this girl twice so far, so this is the formal introduction. It's the girl that I stayed with when I was visiting the capital of this great nation. It's the girl I called The Girl In The Capital in my last post, or GC if you will. She is the girl that I've been "kissing on a regular basis" for little over a month now (to use the blogging euphemism that she used).

We met in April, on the stage at the National Art Center. It was intermission; she was a performer, I was an audience member. I was trying to make my way to the Montreal team that was playing that same night, but GC and I bumped into one another on the stage. Now, this girl had grabbed my attention from the second she ran out onto the stage itself. It wasn't about how she entered, but it was just the fact that she entered. I noticed her right away.

So there we were, on the stage of the NAC, and I tell her that she's doing amazingly. I fail to remember to bring up her team as a whole, since I was too busy thinking "wow" at that point in time. And then we part ways. That seemed to be it. But thankfully for us, it wasn't so.

The wonders of the internet were how we made contact again. At first it was messages back and forth on FaceBook, and then we upgraded to MSN. One fateful night, we spoke about feelings. Now at this point it had become pretty obvious that I liked her, but I had no clue as to her feelings. So after a conversation that lasted hours into the night, we knew how we felt for one another. To a point where to make sure that it wasn't a dream, we made up codewords to say to one another the next day.

I was supposed to say Orange, and she was supposed to say Banana.

All in all, we never really needed the codewords to remember the conversation we had.

It wasn't much longer before GC was coming to Montreal. It was just supposed to be for the morning; an interview at Concordia University. I managed to convince her to stay for the rest of the day, so we could hang out in person. Let's just say that that day was magical, and we count that day as our first official one.

The weekend after that was the weekend of my birthday, and even though it was last minute, I was able to convince her to come over for it. She came Friday afternoon and stayed until Saturday night. It was my best birthday in years, simply because she was there. Honestly, on my birthday (which was the Saturday), it was just GC and I, sitting on the couch in my basement, watching Heroes. Which is one of my favorite television shows.

So the following weekend was when I went to the capital for the first time since New Year's Eve (not counting when I was there for Improv), and I went for her. Stayed with her from Saturday morning until Monday night. I even went to school with her, even though the school year had finished for me already here in my city. Yeah, I went to school with her, so what?

The weekend after my first visit to her place was one where we did not get together. It was the first weekend apart since our "little more than a month" began. But the weekend after that, I went up to the capital again. Friday afternoon until Monday night. But I was able to surprise her, by showing up ON her doorstep hours earlier than they expect me to be on a bus. It was so worth it for the hug we shared on her front porch.

So this was my formal introduction of the Girl In The Capital, since she was mentioned twice. To me, she is GC, where as to her I am the Cute Writer. And I have to be honest when I say that I cannot wait to see her again. It's her turn to come to my city, and she'll be here this coming weekend.

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