Wednesday, July 16, 2008

And Time Again

So, funny story. I'm on CraigsList, that online job posting website? I'm looking around for stuff I can email my CV to. Under Government Jobs, I see this thing that says Signal Operator. I click on it, and it doesn't say anything BUT Signal Operator. I was thinking that it had something to do with construction or whatever. And since it was under government jobs, I thought that it'd be a good job to have. Good pay, good benefits, all that jazz. So I'm tempted to email my CV to them, but instead I send an email asking about what the position is and what I'd be doing.

Guess what.

I got an email back from the Canadian Armed Forces, talking about how I'd be sent to Manitoba for a 4-week training program, followed by a 4-week Soldier Qualification Exams, and then over the follow two summers I'd be training for a Signal Operator, which turned out to be something along the lines of a communications officer for the Canadian Forces.

I'm a performer and a writer, not a soldier. Let's just say that I seriously dodged a bullet (figuratively AND literally) by asking first instead of sending in my CV right away.

Other than that little tidbit, I've been busy with job hunting and a social life. I was at Karaoke last night. I might be going to Shooters tonight to play pool. Tomorrow is Thursday, which is a normal trip to the Phoenix. Friday is a birthday party. Saturday is The Dark Knight with friends, and then Karaoke at the Phoenix. Sunday is a BBQ with my friend Adam, who invited me because his show choir is going to be there, and I am thinking of auditioning to join them.

Last Saturday, Evan (the karaoke DJ at the Phoenix) showed me how to work the system, so I might end up having a "job" (notice the quotation marks; that signal's "air quote") hosting Karaoke at The Phoenix every now and then. It's nothing fancy or big. Once a week, starting at like 10.30pm and ending at 3am. 40$ a night. Like I said, it's nothing fancy, but it'd still be money in the pocket just for saying "Next up is so-and-so" and "Thanks, that was so-and-so singing such-and-such" and working on a computer. It's not assured to me yet either, but I have the training now, so whenever Evan wants some time off or can't make it, I can fill in for him. It's not like a real job, but it's still something that pays, so here's hoping that I can start hosting karaoke myself. Because I am in need of $$ to see the Girl In The Capital.

I miss her.

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