Monday, July 21, 2008


So I just got back from this awesome bar be que. My friend Adam was throwing it at his place (which is really nice, FYI), and he invited me to join in. What I later discovered was that most of the guests would be from the broadway choir that Adam's in. GC, if you're reading this, it's the same choir that we saw together. Anyway, so I go, I don't know anyone there but Adam, but it isn't long until I start to get along with everyone and manage to join in conversations.

Later on, the night didn't wind down as people left, it just grew more lively. People were singing and dancing, and the best part was that I was able to sing along. I'm a baritone, apparently, or so everyone there told me. It was a lot of fun. Sophie and I were able to do I'll Never Tell from Buffy's
Once More With Feeling. I sang Xander's role, naturally, but I jumped in wherever Sophie didn't know lyrics.

I've decided that come the end of August or beginning of September, when the auditions are being held for this choir, I'm going to audition. I had so much fun with all of these people, and I want to keep having fun. It was the most fun I've had for nearly all of the month of July. And all the choir members were enthusiastic about me trying out. Sophie and I were already talking about the choir's retreat in January (as if I was already in and didn't need to audition (which I do, and will!)), where they hold a cabaret for all the members. Since her and I did "I'll Never Tell" so well, we might do that. Provided I pass the audition and become a member.

There are a few reasons why I want to join this choir; for one, it's a lot of fun, and all of the people I met tonight were so very nice. I wouldn't've had so much fun if it wasn't for them. Secondly; I think it'd be nice to develop something of a singing voice and learn music and whatnot. My entire father's side of the family is musical, and yet I can't play any instruments (makes for awkward family BBQs when everyone is jamming and I can't). Thirdly; I want to be an actor for life. As my career. And one thing I learned about acting; the more you can do, the better your chances are of getting a part. Learning how to sing and dance would certainly help with that, as well as expand on my repetoire of "things I can do that are considered performance." I'm a performer ladies and gentlemen, and I plan to be one for life.

So let's hope I make the audition and get in! I've already got an idea for an audition piece, and Adam said he would help coach me. As in learn sheet music, figure out what key I am (and see if I really am a baritone like everyone thinks). I'm so excited for this. I'm as excited for this as I am for my favorite class at JAC (Theatre Workshop English). And that's saying something. It really is saying something.

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