Wednesday, July 30, 2008

New Stuff

So, there're a few new things going on. And thus, I thought I'd keep you all up to date. If anyone out there is actually reading this and following. But hey, I'll keep on writing anyway. And if anyone does pick this up, there will be a lot of stuff to catch up on before they reach the day where they're waiting for another update. Y'know? I hope so.

#1: Got a job. You know how I always go out on Saturday nights to embarrass myself by singing karaoke at a bar called the Phoenix? Well, now I work at the Phoenix, on Saturday nights, as the Karaoke DJ. That's right folks. One night a week (Saturdays, clearly enough), 40$ a night, just for a couple hours. Not a lot, I know, but since it's once a week, I can easily get another job if I have to. And since it's Saturday nights, I can maintain it during the school year. Cool, right? Besides, I'm there anyways, so this means I get paid for it and I have control over the order of songs and whatnot.

#2: Mott, the puppet I'm working on, is currently on hold. He's reached a point where I need to learn more about sewing before I can continue. But I got 3 meters of this awesome fleece (for cheap too!) which is perfect for Mott's skin, since it has the right color and texture for a muppet styled version of me. So I'm hoping to be able to continue working on him as of this weekend, but I can settle for next week if I have to.

#3: The plays I wrote? I'm already working on costume pieces. Mostly the superhero stuff for Cover Art, since the first one is just a bunch of normal people and one of them has powers. I was trying to make pieces for the forearms (you know how superhero gloves go at least halfway up the forearm?), but I made the first one too big. Then I tried it on my calf. It fit really well. So I quickly sewed up another with the sewing machine (that's right ladies, this man can sew!), and slid it onto the other leg. Combined with old winter-boots, I have a pair of improvised "superhero" boots that look a lot like old fashioned boxer/circus-strongman boots. It's good, because the Golden Age Superman was based on a circus strongman, so this is like my play on old fashioned superheroes too. I'm also going to be working on gloves, a mask, and a utility belt soon.

So that's what's new! I'll keep you up to date. And as soon as I finish the costume and Mott and find my digital camera, you'll get to see it all.

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