Thursday, September 18, 2008

Kill Me Romantically

I have 40 minutes before I need to get off the computer and into bed. It's been a long day, and I have quite the day ahead of me. But I thought I could sneak in a quick blog post since I finished preparing my playlist for radio tomorrow. I'm excited for the music I've got planned. I'm sure I'll have to cut a song or two depending on how much time is taken up by speaking, but we'll see.

School's going well, I think. No troubles with my teachers or classmates yet, and I plan to keep it that way. I get to see my school-friends everyday too, and they're turning into real-friends, since we keep hanging out off of school grounds more and more often. We've hung out, this week so far, on Monday, Tuesday, today, and plans for tomorrow involve poker and drinks. All of this after school of course. I'm really excited for tomorrow.

I'm still hitting the single thing. And not enjoying it. All of my friends are either taken, or telling me "being single is great! You can do whatever you want without having to ask, like, permission! You can even sleep around if you want!"

Yeah, y'see, that's not me. I've never had to "ask permission" to do something. If I'm going out with friends, there's never been a problem there with me and a girl. If I suddenly get a shift at work, well shit happens, and it's fine. The only time things could be stressful would be when I'm in production for a play or film and my schedule's filled up, but I always notify girls about that ahead of time, so usually it's not a big deal.

I'm not a sleeping around kind of guy. Sure, I bet it's great fun and pleasure in the heat of the moment, but it's nothing lasting. I'd rather something real. A commitment of sorts. Even if it's "I don't want to be a girlfriend to anyone right now," as long as there's still a form of commitment and monogamy there, I'm cool with that. So all in all, single isn't exactly for me.

But none the less, I'm still hitting that scene. Not complaining, but not enjoying myself. There's just no one out there for me at this moment. Sometime I get a small blip on the radar, but it hasn't turned out to be anything so far. It might be a while before I find someone. That would kind of suck, but it's not the end of the world or anything, y'know?

I miss some people. In the summer, I went to the Capital a lot, remember? I didn't go solely for GC; I have regular friends there too. Well some of them have moved away for university and such. Others are still there. But I miss them all. It's been a while since I was last in Ottawa. It's high time I go visit!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Jobs and Courses

So I have a job as a Kareoke DJ at the bar called the Phoenix in Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue. I've blogged* about this before. It's a neat little circle, because the Phoenix is what got me into karaoke, and singing. Now, because I started at this bar months ago, I'm the DJ for Saturday Night Karaoke, and I'm auditioning for the Lyric Broadway Singers. I haven't auditioned yet, but I hope I will soon, because I'm really excited about it.

I might be getting a couple new jobs. Yes, that's right. JobS. Plural, biatches.

My friend Amanda, who used to be roommates with a girl who's a third year now in my program at school, works at Mike's on St-Charles, which isn't far from where I live. I might be able to get a job there as a waiter. It'd be a tough-ish job, but better than being a fry cook at McDonald's if you asked for my opinion. So I'm applying there, and I hope I get it.

Now I said a couple jobs. Couple, as we all well know, means two. Mike's is one, but the other is far more epic than that. At John Abbott CEGEP, my school, they'll occasionally offer this bartending course. Not like a class you take twice a week, but just a 12-hour course. Four nights of three hours each. I don't know if it means I'll be getting a bartender's certificate thingy at the end, but it will help me potentially get a job as a bartender. And in Ste-Anne's, there're a number of bars.

Normally getting into this bartending course is hard. The second that it's printed in the Daily Info, it fills up. But I got really lucky, and managed to get in with the first wave. And my friend Julie, from high school, is doing it with me!

So imagine that. A theatre student who's a part-time bartender. It's nice to imagine. Yeah, it's a tough job, and nothing to make a living out of. But I'm still in school and still living at home, so really for me it's just about the pay at the end of the night. I could save up and get experience at the same time, so that later on, if/when I move out, I can get a job as a bartender someplace else. A nicer place. But I'm not going to be picky about where in the beginning. I'm targeting Ste-Anne's bars to apply to, if I can after the course, since it's where I am a lot for school anyway. It makes sense in my head.

But just imagine. A theatre student who's a bartender while he's in school. I bet some of my classmates will be jealous. And I bet a lot of them would come to wherever I'm working just 'cause I'll be there. And because I'll be the bartender. Mostly 'cause I'll be the bartender. But hey, I'm not complaining. A job's a job, and the tips of bartending would be more than enough money to do whatever I want, since I'm still currently living at home. I admit, it'd be nice to live on my own, but right now I don't want that stress.

Oh, by the by, I think I have a crush. I think. I'll keep y'all up to date when I know more and have stuff figured out, cool?

*I can use the word "blog" as a verb as well as a noun, right?

Currently: Sitting in my friend's bedroom while we chill and wait for the bus. We're back to back; John on his laptop and me on his desktop. Drinking soda, listening to punk rock, and eating licorice. Having fun chilling, while I wait for the 211 route to start up in about two hours.

Random fact: My bedroom at home is moving to the basement, and my (current) bedroom will become the TV room once the switch is complete. I'll have a bigger room (once the switch is done) which is better suited for entertaining my friends.

Message to my reader: Hey Girl from the Capital (still GC, but instead of "in the capital" it's "from the capital"), how's school?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


A little bit of news on what I plan on doing with my 11.30am to 1.00pm CSKY radio spot on Friday afternoons.

1: I'm going to take advantage of the fact that since I have a spot that more people listen to, I'm going to make sure I'm heard. My thoughts. My opinions. My voice.

2: My show will be called Life Through A Lens. Because I think it sounds cool (and somewhat deep), because it's meaningful, and because I wear glasses.

3: Every now and then, I will have either a Guest Speaker or a Special Co Host. Some friends I made through CSKY has a break during my spot, so sometimes I'll invite them to join me and host with me.

4: This isn't a "for sure" kind of idea, but I was thinking about having a different Andy Warhol quote every week. Or something along those lines. What do you think?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Always Busy

Look at the time. Can you believe what hour it is? Yeah. I just got home maybe half an hour ago. My schedule is so packed and hectic that it's ridiculous. Really long days at school. Homework is ridiculous too. I'm glad I only work weekends at the moment, even though I'm trying to find another job to help bring in more money. Call me crazy if you want. I already know I am.

School... we're three weeks in, and we're not wasting any time. Between my program courses (theatre courses; five of thoses) and my regular courses (four of those), I'm taking on a lot. I start early in the morning, end in the early evening (not even late afternoon!). A shitload of reading for some classes, written assignments for others, and a bunch of weird stuff. I don't even have all my books yet, because the bookstore never has what I need.

Bright side of school: I got my position at CSKY radio back. Last semester I was a DJ for the school station on Thursday mornings, from 8h30 to 10h00. DJ Cassidy is back for another semester, 'cept now I'm on Fridays from 11h30 to 13h00. A spot that has a lot more listeners, since more people would be on break during this time. I've also been told that some first year students are trying to get an improv club going; not an easy feat. But if they manage it, I'll be attending that. I'm also debating about joining a kayaking club or a rock climbing club. Either will help build upper body strength, which would be nice (since my lower body's already in amazing shape).

The superhero plays I wrote have basically been approved. Just pending approval from the other two teachers, although the one in charge of Final Showcases this semester read them both and really enjoyed them, so it looks like I'll be able to do both this one semester. I'll keep you up to date on how rehearsals and preparations go, and I'm going to try my absolute best to get someone to record the performances.

Now I'm exhausted. I need sleep.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Something's Wrong

I don't understand. This doesn't make sense. I shouldn't be awake right now. This shouldn't be happening. Wait, you're a bit lost, I suppose I should start at the top.

I have sleeping problems. My mother's side of the family has some history of sleeping problems, I just happen to get hit with the hard stuff instead of it skipping a generation or two like it sometimes does. Most of the time, my partial-insomnia makes it extremely hard to get to sleep, but not impossible. And when I am sleeping, it doesn't last very long. A couple hours at most. Usually I get close to half of the "full 8 hours of sleep that's required."

On occasion, however, I won't be able to sleep at all. I'll toss and turn in bed, trying to find a position more comfortable than the last. I'll spend hours staring at the ceiling, keeping my mind absolutely clear and keeping my body absolutely still. I'll practice meditation (my uncle's a Buddhist, and meditation is something we practice in Movement and Creation at school) to ensure that I have peace of body and mind at these times. I'll regulate my breathing into something extremely clear and relaxed. But none of these things get me to sleep on the occasions that my insomnia kicks into high gear.

On nights like those where my usual tricks and methods don't work, then I resort to something a little more old fashioned; tiring myself out. I'll read. I'll go for a walk, or a jog, or a run, or even a bike ride. I'll go to my basement and do push-ups and sit-ups until my muscles are screaming at me and can't do anymore. None of this helps though; it just makes me more tired, yes, but not sleepy tired. So it makes the next day more difficult.

Now to the present.

Thursday I had been awake for a good 22 hours. Then I got 3 hours of sleep. Friday morning was extremely boring, but I was able to entertain myself with some music and card games, and reading some articles on the internet. When it came time for school and classes, I showered, dressed, got ready and everything. Everything was going alright.

At some point during my Intro to Movement class, I somehow pinched a nerve in my back. All of the muscles in my back tightened towards that one point. It hurt all on it's own, and the slightest shift and movement made the pain worse. So I went to the Health Services office at my school, missing the first half of my voice class (Terry, my teacher, was notified, so it was okay). I had visited this office a great deal last year, concerning acquiring fresh bandages when injuries needed new dressings, or when my asthma started to flare up again.

At Health Services, I was checked up, and then sat down in a chair with a heating pad on my back. It relaxed the muscles, helping relieve the tension and taking the pain from "god this hurts" to "this is an ache, or a sore, at most. I can live with that." I attended the rest of voice class, and then hung out with some friends for a few hours. Even did some yoga outside Casgrain.

After a little while though, the pain came back. Slowly at first, but then in full force. So I went to the hospital. They told me the same thing; nerve in the back. It would take time and rest for it to heal and the pain to go away. Minimal movement and whatnot. I had to see a play last night for a class though, and told them this, so they gave me a shot of god-knows-what in my back. Made the pain go away instantly, even though it was just a temporary fix.

So at this point I've been awake for nearly 36 hours with only 3 hours of sleep (and not full, well-rested sleep). Yeah, the pain is gone (for now), but I'm still dead on my feet. My muscles are tired and don't want to support me anymore, but I keep on trekking. I go to the play. It was awkward and uncomfortable, but the play was fun. Halfway through the play, though, the shot I was given wears off, and my pain is back.

But with a new twist! Every time I cough (asthma) or sneeze (allergies), I get a really sharp pain in my head. Ouch. Major time ouch.

When I get home (which takes a good hour-plus), I tell my Mum about the back and the pain. I'm given some pills for back-pain and to relax my muscles. I take some aspirin for my head. I take some benedryl for my allergies. I take one of 'em sucker things that soothe the throat, preventing coughs. And I set myself up on the couch in my basement, lying perfectly flat on my back and absolutely still, while watching some Heroes Season 2 on DVD (that I recently got).

I was able to watch all the bonus features of the first disc, all three episodes and bonus features of the second disc before nodding off. I was going to get up to put disc three in, but decided against it since I was comfortable and didn't want to move. I nodded off. And woke up four hours later.

Four hours is decent for me... if I hadn't been awake for the equivalent of two days and acquired a back injury. I don't understand why I'm awake right now. I shouldn't be. I had exceeded the limits, even for me and my insomnia. I was hurt. In pain. I should've been passed out for an extra three hours, at least. (Yeah, I sleep best when injured. As nice as it is that it helps me sleep, it sucks that I've been injured enough to know it for a fact.)

But no. I'm awake. Still in pain, but it's just a sore. An ache. A bearable pain.