Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Always Busy

Look at the time. Can you believe what hour it is? Yeah. I just got home maybe half an hour ago. My schedule is so packed and hectic that it's ridiculous. Really long days at school. Homework is ridiculous too. I'm glad I only work weekends at the moment, even though I'm trying to find another job to help bring in more money. Call me crazy if you want. I already know I am.

School... we're three weeks in, and we're not wasting any time. Between my program courses (theatre courses; five of thoses) and my regular courses (four of those), I'm taking on a lot. I start early in the morning, end in the early evening (not even late afternoon!). A shitload of reading for some classes, written assignments for others, and a bunch of weird stuff. I don't even have all my books yet, because the bookstore never has what I need.

Bright side of school: I got my position at CSKY radio back. Last semester I was a DJ for the school station on Thursday mornings, from 8h30 to 10h00. DJ Cassidy is back for another semester, 'cept now I'm on Fridays from 11h30 to 13h00. A spot that has a lot more listeners, since more people would be on break during this time. I've also been told that some first year students are trying to get an improv club going; not an easy feat. But if they manage it, I'll be attending that. I'm also debating about joining a kayaking club or a rock climbing club. Either will help build upper body strength, which would be nice (since my lower body's already in amazing shape).

The superhero plays I wrote have basically been approved. Just pending approval from the other two teachers, although the one in charge of Final Showcases this semester read them both and really enjoyed them, so it looks like I'll be able to do both this one semester. I'll keep you up to date on how rehearsals and preparations go, and I'm going to try my absolute best to get someone to record the performances.

Now I'm exhausted. I need sleep.

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