Sunday, September 14, 2008

Jobs and Courses

So I have a job as a Kareoke DJ at the bar called the Phoenix in Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue. I've blogged* about this before. It's a neat little circle, because the Phoenix is what got me into karaoke, and singing. Now, because I started at this bar months ago, I'm the DJ for Saturday Night Karaoke, and I'm auditioning for the Lyric Broadway Singers. I haven't auditioned yet, but I hope I will soon, because I'm really excited about it.

I might be getting a couple new jobs. Yes, that's right. JobS. Plural, biatches.

My friend Amanda, who used to be roommates with a girl who's a third year now in my program at school, works at Mike's on St-Charles, which isn't far from where I live. I might be able to get a job there as a waiter. It'd be a tough-ish job, but better than being a fry cook at McDonald's if you asked for my opinion. So I'm applying there, and I hope I get it.

Now I said a couple jobs. Couple, as we all well know, means two. Mike's is one, but the other is far more epic than that. At John Abbott CEGEP, my school, they'll occasionally offer this bartending course. Not like a class you take twice a week, but just a 12-hour course. Four nights of three hours each. I don't know if it means I'll be getting a bartender's certificate thingy at the end, but it will help me potentially get a job as a bartender. And in Ste-Anne's, there're a number of bars.

Normally getting into this bartending course is hard. The second that it's printed in the Daily Info, it fills up. But I got really lucky, and managed to get in with the first wave. And my friend Julie, from high school, is doing it with me!

So imagine that. A theatre student who's a part-time bartender. It's nice to imagine. Yeah, it's a tough job, and nothing to make a living out of. But I'm still in school and still living at home, so really for me it's just about the pay at the end of the night. I could save up and get experience at the same time, so that later on, if/when I move out, I can get a job as a bartender someplace else. A nicer place. But I'm not going to be picky about where in the beginning. I'm targeting Ste-Anne's bars to apply to, if I can after the course, since it's where I am a lot for school anyway. It makes sense in my head.

But just imagine. A theatre student who's a bartender while he's in school. I bet some of my classmates will be jealous. And I bet a lot of them would come to wherever I'm working just 'cause I'll be there. And because I'll be the bartender. Mostly 'cause I'll be the bartender. But hey, I'm not complaining. A job's a job, and the tips of bartending would be more than enough money to do whatever I want, since I'm still currently living at home. I admit, it'd be nice to live on my own, but right now I don't want that stress.

Oh, by the by, I think I have a crush. I think. I'll keep y'all up to date when I know more and have stuff figured out, cool?

*I can use the word "blog" as a verb as well as a noun, right?

Currently: Sitting in my friend's bedroom while we chill and wait for the bus. We're back to back; John on his laptop and me on his desktop. Drinking soda, listening to punk rock, and eating licorice. Having fun chilling, while I wait for the 211 route to start up in about two hours.

Random fact: My bedroom at home is moving to the basement, and my (current) bedroom will become the TV room once the switch is complete. I'll have a bigger room (once the switch is done) which is better suited for entertaining my friends.

Message to my reader: Hey Girl from the Capital (still GC, but instead of "in the capital" it's "from the capital"), how's school?

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