Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Twiddle Your Thumbs

Good morning two-thousand-nine! It's about freakin' time you got here. In the famous words of my best friend; "Fuck 2008, she was a bitch anyway!" (Well, not really. A lot of things happened in oh-eight that I'll never forget and cherish for a long time, but it certainly was a hell of a send off... here, I'll just tell you the story.)

New Year's Eve was a mix of good and bad. The good being I met tons of fantastic new people, enjoyed partying with my oldest and best friends (and by partying I mean two parties), drank enough that I shouldn't remember the night but still do and can still smile about it! The bad was that I got punched, twice, at the first party. But it was just this huge issue of miscommunication, and I was the better man by walking away and not hitting back. Oh, and the one night of partying turned into not-getting-home-until-several-days-later, but it wasn't a binge or anything like that. Just chilling with friends, new and old, and enjoying life with junk food, movies, mini-embarrassing-dance-parties, and singing solos and duets along with youtube videos. Oh, and waking up a sleeping elephant seal. And that last one might possibly be one of the most entertaining things, regardless of you being sober or not.

The story with the quote is that Paws wrote across the knuckles of our entire group F-U-C-K 2-0-0-8, and on a few of our arms the quote itself. Before the countdown, we all went around to different people, telling them to call it out when we officially hit 2009. Didn't expect many people to do it, but when it happened, at least half the party yelled it out so loudly that we were easily heard over the band that was playing. Sick, no?

That just about sums that up. I might do a more detailed report of the ushering in of 2009 when I'm at home with my keyboard. We'll see.

So now I play the waiting game. Remember the whole probation deal? Well, I reached the teacher and the school, was given a test that if I get four out of fifteen right, I pass the course. I aimed to get all fifteen things right, personally. So that was done and handed in yesterday (emailed in, more accurately), and now I just have to wait for that mark to change, and then I am home-free concerning school. But, now that that work is behind me, I realized something:

A lot of my program classmates knew about my situation, and no one cared/cares to see how it all faired. Well, not true, one person actually asked me how I was feeling and it came up and she expressed hope and confidence that I'd make it. I suppose the punch line of this joke is that it wasn't any of the people I hoped/expected it to be. It does lead to another interesting thought, however:

What will everyone's faces look like when they see me there again? Classmates, former and current, those who dislike me and do like me, and everyone else. No matter what, though, I'll walk in with a smile, regardless of whether or not everyone else is smiling. Haha!

I get the feeling that this year might hold a lot of potential. Or at least as much potential as I put into it and myself. Woot woot.

1 comment:

CatOnAHotTinRoof said...

Hey, I haven't seen you in the oh nine yet!!

And yes, 2008 was a major bitch for me.. I made lots of amazing friends, but all the worst things that have ever happened to me happened in 2008.

9 is my lucky number anyway. :)