Wednesday, August 27, 2008


So I haven't been completely honest with you. No, I haven't lied about anything. Everything I've written is true. I just haven't been writing about
everything, if you understand what I am trying to tell you. But things have changed recently, and I think now is a good time to share with you what I kept from you, and then explain what it was that changed, and how things changed at all.

As you know, GC and I broke up, right? Aye. I wrote about that a while ago. It's been little over a month now. For most of that time, however, I couldn't get over her. Everything reminded me of her. And the things that didn't? I just found myself wishing I could share those things with her. I couldn't get over my feelings. While my heart was ready for the "moving on," my head wasn't. It kept bringing up thoughts and memories. I could see her smile whenever I closed my eyes. My heart skipped a beat if I saw someone that looked like her, because for a moment I would hope, dream, and imagine that it was her.

It was hard. Rough. Painful. Saddening. And impossible to get past. I
knew I could, but I couldn't control what my head was doing. I found it extremely difficult to sleep. I didn't like eating, because it just made me feel sick. Songs that used to be my favorites suddenly held new meaning, and that meaning didn't help the situation that I was in. I still felt for GC. I still wanted to be with her.

To me, I think that if you found someone that
you were willing to give up your dreams for, but they didn't ask you to give them up and actually supported them... you should hold onto that person. You won't find many. You're lucky to find one or two. To me, GC was that girl for me. I would have given up my dreams for her, but I lucked out, because not only did she like that I wrote and improvised, but she did it too. And then it was over. And I was sad.

Now? I'm better. I don't know how to explain it really, but I think I finally got my head to cooperate. School really helps as a distraction, seeing as how it wasn't something I ever really got to share with her, but even so, it makes no difference. I'm actually over her now. I still like her, yes, and I still want to be friends. But relationship-wise, I'm over her. And I owe it all to a webcomic that I read.

This is the comic. While my situation isn't anything like Hawk's (the main character), since he wasn't completely sure if the break up happened or not, I feel that it still applied. GC and I didn't end things in a blazing fire. We didn't fight or yell or argue during our break up. Sure, it sucked and it hurt, but it went a million times better than it could have ended up going. As Hawk's friend said; "Fuckin' fantastic. Grab your coat, we're going out."

Since I read this comic, on Monday, I've been feeling differently. And let me tell you; it feels good.

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