Monday, August 11, 2008

Falling Apart

Shit damn. Some things have fallen apart before my very eyes. Other things came to my attention. Well, they didn't just come to my attention, but rather they grabbed the attention. I've got a lot on my plate right now, but I'm not sure if I'm hungry enough to finish it all. (Alright, bad metaphor, but who's complaining?)

This past Saturday was my first night of work at the Phoenix as the new Karaoke DJ. My friend and former-roommate Zak was there to assist me on Evan's request. Evan was the old DJ. Anyway, we get everything set up. Books, microphones, the computer system; everything. We decided to leave turning on the monitors for when it comes closer to the actual thing. Well, guess what. The monitors wouldn't work. We couldn't connect the karaoke system to the monitors, thus no lyrics were visible, and thus we were absolutely screwed. There was no karaoke this past weekend at the Phoenix. My first night of work was an absolute bust. I just hope I don't have these problems next week, otherwise I'm going to have a very hard time affording another trip to the Capital (see below).

My freelance film editing thing had a beautiful start. I had put in five hours of work and managed to get little more than half of the first compilation finished. Anyway, when I booted up the program to start on the sixth hour (and hopefully wrap up the first compilation), it crashed on me. Completely and utterly. I backed up the source files and the project files, and then tried rebooting the computer. Didn't work. I uninstalled the program and reinstalled it. That didn't work either. I ran four different trouble-shooters, but nothing worked. Five hours of work had been lost because the program failed on me. I have a laptop on loan to me from a friend, and with a minuscule (and legal) hack, I'm hoping to be able to do the work on the laptop. Best case scenario; the backed up project file works and I can pick up where I left off. Middle case scenario; I have to start the project from scratch. Worst case scenario; it doesn't work on the laptop.

I'm off to the Capital again. From Sunday the 17th until Friday the 22nd. It's not to see GC (although I am hoping that we could arrange coffee or something while I'm there). It's a friend's birthday, which is initially why I'm going. I'm staying the extra few days just to hang out with some people. Take my mind off of things and have one last "hurrah" before school starts. School starts Monday, August 25th. A bit sooner than I expected, actually, but school will force my mind onto other things. Not to mention I'm actually looking forward to school.

That's what's going on.

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