Friday, August 15, 2008

Not Bad

For those who have been keeping up; I managed to finish the compilation. Stayed up for most of Wednesday night to do it, but it was finished, and I already handed it in to my employer. It was enjoyed, thoroughly.

Wow. It's quarter to eight in the morning, and I haven't slept at all yet. I stayed up all night playing Capture The Flag with some friends. It's something we do once or twice a summer, at least. Then we went for breakfast downtown at this place that's open twenty-four hours a day. Then we watched the sunrise. Watching the beginning of a new day truly is a beautiful thing. Especially with the way the sky is today. Patches of white fluffy clouds with blue skies everywhere else. It was slightly chilly, but the sun hasn't been out long enough to heat things up at all.

I'm at home now (obviously enough) and I'm figuring out some things. Next week is my last week of summer vacation before school starts on the 25th of August. While I've been excited for school to start for a while now, at the same time, I think I'm going to miss the summer. So I'm trying to figure out what should be done for the last stretch of summer vacation, and what I can or can't afford. Expenses cannot be determined until Saturday night; when I know whether or not Karaoke happens or if the monitor-system is still busted. But I'm pushing that stuff to the back of my head, while I figure out how I'm going to make it to a friend's birthday party this afternoon. It's off the island of Montreal, and I have no idea how I'm going to get there or back home for that matter. I'm hoping that someone will be able to give me a ride, y'know?

Meanwhile, even though I've not slept yet, I still feel awake. Sure, I'm tired, but not sleepy tired. It's amazing what insomnia can do to you. I really thought, and was hoping, that when I walked in the door I would just want to crash. Well, low and behold, I can't. I tried. So here I am. I'll probably try to get a short power nap in later to make up for the lack of sleep, just so I can get through the day.


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